Microsoft Buying 3D Wii Beating Tech?

According to an Israeli company called 3DV Systems, its new ZCam follows in the footsteps of Sony (EyeToy), Microsoft (Vision) and even the Wii. It enables you to "use your body freely to control games, no wearables required, no limitations attached. Move your hand, leg, head or finger, in any direction and setting, moving quickly or making fine, minor movement - all these gestures are easily detected and understood by the system, creating a unique personalized and immersive gaming experience."We've all heard the "next Wii" before. We've used EyeToy, Wii and Vision. So, what's the biggie? The biggie is, according to the news outlet, that Microsoft is buying the company. It's doing so because it, "apparently plans to use 3DV Systems' technology in its own gaming technology, probably in the Xbox 360."Despite Microsoft's failure to comment on an ongoing deal, the news outlet states, "Microsoft is negotiating to acquire the Israeli startup 3DV Systems for about $35 million, despite the alarming condition of the global economy and grim forecasts of more pain to come
Posted on 2:35 AM by Faisal and filed under | 0 Comments »


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